Church Without Walls

Red Blood Cells

Life surely is a highway. Just take a look at traffic at night and you will see a remarkable depiction of human existence that speaks to the heart of every man woman or child, literally. For the highway itself represents the blood that flows through our veins carrying white blood cells and red blood cells each having a unique direction based on their responsibility.
Every time I drive on the highways at night and gaze upon the rows of red automobile tail lights in front of me, I feel like I'm just a little blood cell doing my part in the larger flow of life. When I look on the opposite side of the highway I can see the white Headlights of the cars going in the opposite direction representing the white blood cells. I try not to feel too insignificant among the vast array of molecular genetics that grace the major artery I ride upon. Knowing, hoping, praying that one day I may be that little blood cell that when called upon, is ready to give life.
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