Church Without Walls

Right Of Way

Pain and suffering come not only to the victims. It comes to all those that are involved. Many times we are so motivated by being right that we overlook the cost of such achievement. I've been involved in 3 major collisions. One where I had the right of way, one where the other vehicle had the right of way, and third where we couldn't figure out who was at fault. All three accidents resulted in a total loss of at least one of the vehicles and at least one person being rushed to the hospital. One thing I noticed that was consistent in all three accidents was the fact that whether I was the one that was right or the one that was wrong, it all hurts the same. 
Right of Way
Go - Green, Each year in the United States, people that run red lights are a top cause of car accidents, resulting in nearly 1,000 wrongful deaths and about 90,000 cases of personal injury. A green light is only a green light, it is not a magical force field holding traffic on the opposite side. Many times in our relationships we have the ultimate green light through promises, authority, or support but fail to pay attention, as we begin to move according to what we have been promised and what authority we have been given. This type of blind driving can result in unexpected results as noted above. Just because you have the right of way it doesn't mean you have lost the right to give way.
YIELD - Yield doesn't mean stop or go, it simply means give way. This type of sign is usually found when we are merging into traffic that is there before us. We can learn something from this and apply it to our relationships. When we acquire a new Job, friend or relationship we have to be willing to yield to preexisting circumstances that were there before we came along. Many times we want to be the ones to jump in and change the world but we have to remember that before we came along there was life. We have to respect what was there before us and learn to wait our turn to enter in and contribute.
Pass - The highway is a sequence of leading and following. Just because we want to pass doesn't mean we should. Relationships possess the same ebb and flow as the highway. If you ever feel you are leading because you see a lot of people behind you, just look way ahead, it could mean that you've been left behind. Inversely If you ever feel you've been surpassed just look in your rear view mirror you'll see many behind you, if not it could very well mean you have gone far ahead. We shouldn't get into the competition of being ahead, for at any time in our lives we could be leading and following both at the same time. A person could be the leader in a company giving instructions to their employees,  goes home and follows the leading of their spouse, then later lead their children while following the instruction of a traffic officer.
We are never always leading and never always following so passing is not really necessary. For no matter where we are, we will always be ahead or behind depending on which glass you are looking through, after all Life is a highway. 

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