Church Without Walls

Shifting Gears

Obama Driving
As we journey through life, there comes a time when we have to change gears. Shifting gears signifies the need for us to either up-shift or down-shift depending on the prevailing conditions that beset us. Life is not without choice, therefore, we can select what kind of vehicle we want to carry us through life. No matter our vehicle of choice, there are three elements that determine the correct time to shift gears, and they are; road speed, rpm and current gear. When a vehicle is in motion the road speed is what determine the optimal driving gear. The Rpm, stands for "Rotations Per Minute" and represents the effort it takes to move the vehicle at the current road speed.

When a vehicle starts moving from a stationary position, the rpm gradually increases, indicating the engine is beginning to work hard. As the vehicle develops momentum, the rpm moves the vehicle so easily, that if the gear is not shifted to give the engine more work to do, it could cause a burn out. It is also similar to riding a bicycle down a steep hill. Because gravity increases momentum, the pedal becomes so free it could cause injuries if you try to pedal at that speed and gear. When our vehicle gets to this point, it becomes critical to either, slow down or change gears.

The Road speed in our lives, represents our flow and how much effort it takes to complete our given task. When we start out in anything, we are usually slow, cumbersome and filled with rookie mistakes. Eventually, we learn how to walk properly and before long we are ready to change gears to running. We can identify when we are ready to change gears by listening to the people around us. When the comments from our friends, family and coworkers shift from, "That's ok you'll get better at it", to "Wow you're really good" to "Could you please teach me", you know you are ready to change gears.

The Rpm represents the measures our productivity. It usually takes a lot of energy to start anything but when it starts moving it requires less energy than when it started. This is why it only requires just a slight touch on the accelerator to keep a vehicle's speed once it starts moving. Similarly in our lives, when we've put out a lot of effort into getting things started, we no longer need the same amount of effort to keep it going, unless of course you are ready to change gears. Because if you continue running your life with such intensity when you are at a low gear or level, you are just spinning your engine and not gaining any ground. You have to change gears or slow down so as not to burn yourself out.

Even though some of us are only familiar with automatic vehicles, that term is deceiving. Consider this, all vehicles need to change gears, whether it is changed by the driver or a computer chip, hence we can refer to all vehicles as having a manual transmission. And such is our lives, since we don't have a computer chip that will tell us when to change gears, we have to do all our shifting manually. This makes me wonder about the different gears that need shifting in my life. Am I burning my proverbial clutch out?. Am I wasting fuel and time by not shifting to the next level after functioning at capacity at my current level?.

A person's vehicle represents the purpose they have chosen to fulfill in their life. Our vehicle is designed to take us on a journey, often to places we've never been. However, our vehicle is not without its technical requirements, and it is very important to know how to drive this vehicle of purpose.  Jobs are many, Purposes are few, Jobs often change, Purposes rarely do. Even though we may have different jobs and career changes, there is an underlying purpose that drives us to want to do a job, start a career, or venture out in business, and that purpose is our vehicle. Let's drive.

1st Gear
So you've cranked up your engine of inspiration and filled your tank with hope, and now you are off to fulfill your life's purpose. So you shift your vehicle in the first gear and decide to start something; a Job, business, relationship, school etc. These things are not your purpose, but they fulfill a part of your purpose, just like driving to the gas station contributes to your purpose of getting to your destination.

2nd Gear
Now you are moving and you have momentum. So we lift the brakes from our lives and accelerate resulting in momentum. So now you are a student, a fiancée, a business owner, or an employee, ready to shift to your next gear?

3rd Gear
If you ever listen to your cars engine when it is driving you will notice that the sound of each gear gets longer as the car builds momentum. Gear 1-Vroom, 2-Vrooooom. 3-Vrooooooooooooom, And this fact is reflected in life also. Lets take marriage for example:

Gear 1, Dating
This gear is usually short lived. When people are in this dating gear, things tend to go very  quickly; such as bonding, intimacy and ultimately breakup. Yes there are exceptions to every rule but before you know it, partners will be ready to take it to the next level.

Gear 2, Marriage
This gear is much longer than the first and may even be a life long gear, but there is still another gear we can shift.

Gear 3. Children
The children gear is very long, to the point where, they usually last longer than both the marriage and the parents. Vrooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

So here you are, you have now maxed out all you can do in the third gear things are moving forward, you have graduated school, have a child, hired employees, or whatever kind of expansion is relative to your 3rd gear.
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About Calvin Anderson


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